«Don't waste your love on somebody who doesn't value it»

William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

Costruzioni Dalla Verde Spa constructs civil and industrial buildings for private customers, industries and public entities.

The Company has always devoted special attention to the restoration of historical and artistic buildings and has consequently acquired extensive experience in the field. The Company is also engaged in self-financed initiatives in the construction of residential, office and industrial buildings.

Roberto, Pierpaolo and Nereo Dalla Verde

«Our commitment, our passion, our knowledge, our expertise. Crossing our country's borders»

Costruzioni Dalla Verde Spa has always worked on residential, commercial and executive building projects, in addition to restoration work on buildings with historic/artistic value in Italy.
Costruzioni Dalla Verde Spa also operates as the General Contractor on new business initiatives, even in foreign markets, ensuring delivery of the best of Italian manufacturing and services with lump-sum contracts. For customers this means solutions tailored to their requirements through the delivery of turnkey projects, and guaranteed compliance with timescales, costs and construction quality that have made Costruzioni Dalla Verde Spa a brand which is synonymous with success.

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See the company profile

Costruzioni Dalla Verde Spa is an organization of Italian professionals who share an international vision and a multidisciplinary approach to architecture, with a focus on high value added projects.

We aim to create profitability, to build customer satisfaction and loyalty through respect for man, the environment, traditions and the social context. Our priority is to deliver the best quality while operating within a framework of complete transparency.

We develop and construct buildings with the aim of guaranteeing customer satisfaction. We are meticulous in our selection of construction sites, as we carefully consider environmental impact assessments, architectural values, construction quality and the quality of the technologies used. We use clear, transparent technical and commercial documents and we pride ourselves on our timely, transparent and clear communication and customer service before, during and after purchase of the property, in full compliance with the agreed requirements.

The Costruzioni Dalla Verde Spa team fully supports the core Values identified by the Board of Directors and agrees to comply with them and implement them on a daily basis by applying the following basic principles:

  • respect for the environment and prevention of environmental hazards
  • energy saving, appropriate use of raw materials and recyclable products
  • proper disposal of waste and reduction of polluting emissions
  • use of innovative technologies to reduce environmental impact
  • quality, innovation, competitiveness to create added value
  • accountability and responsibility for business agreements
  • long-lasting relationships of trust
  • reliability, mutual trust, exchange of opportunities
  • equity between give and take in relation to commitment and cooperation
  • transparency in management
  • selection of suppliers based on requirements of professionalism and shared fundamental principles
  • respect for commitments undertaken and ensuing mutual trust
  • equity of exchange in relation to commitment and cooperation
  • respect for people and cultures, in the interest of reciprocity
  • equal opportunities
  • no direct or indirect exploitation of child labour
  • pay equity
  • development of human capital
  • occupational safety, health and wellbeing
  • ancillary services that facilitate job performance
  • ethical behaviour and respect for rules and regulations in the interest of reciprocity
  • creation of economic development and occupation
  • harmonization of the company’s interests with those of the community
  • contribution to the various spheres of community life: sport, culture, education, charity, volunteering…
  • collaboration in design and implementation of policies for local development
  • respect for standards and obligations
  • prevention of corruption and bribery

Some of our works

MilanRistorante Berton

Sophisticated Elegance

Located in the new nerve centre of Milan, Porta Nuova Varesine, the restaurant has been designed to respond to its context, and to reflect the image and likeliness of its inhabitants.

Andrea Berton, the chef, wanted his restaurant to reflect the fundamentals of his cuisine, essential and elegant, immediate and recognizable, where creativity does not overturn tradition. The interior is an imposing volume consisting of pure lines which, despite the absence of parallel and perpendicular walls and ceilings, presents a harmonious and coherent whole.

VicenzaGalvanin Headquarter building

Colour and Essentiality 

The physical presence of the internal and external architecture in the space available and the general layout are firm points of interest in this design.

The relationship between architecture and people and the surrounding environment, be it a natural or urban setting, along with functional construction and implementation requirements, produce the base concept for each project and characterise it until its completion.

A blend of vibrant colours that communicate strength and power, not to mention natural harmony, characterises this construction, which cleverly combines architecture

and design and fully expresses and reinforces

Sandrigo (Vicenza)Omis Spa Headquarter building

Functional Architecture

In 2014 the company Omis Spa embarked on an ambitious company renovation project. The plan included the reconstruction of the office building in the main headquarters situated on Chizzalunga provincial road in Sandrigo (VI).

Two elements were driving the project – detailed development of the company’s functional plan and the importance of wellbeing in the workplace.

The building has two compact linear sections with different looks and functions. A monolithic volume constituting formwork in smooth cement contains the more organisational functions and another more distinguishing glazed section punctuated by a dark layer of aluminium.

Inside, clever play with dual heights divides the space available, capitalising on natural lighting to minimise the use of artificial light. The relationship between solids and voids has enabled the creation of ongoing symbiosis between the indoor and outdoor surroundings.

As a result functional architecture has been defined, with a first objective that focuses on the wellbeing of its inhabitants, and the second aim which considers the company’s underlying principles the architecture is representing – transparency, solidity, modernity and balance between the key aspects.

VeniceGarzoni and Moro Palace

Restoring Luxury Properties 

In the splendid setting of Venice, directly overlooking    the world-famous Grand Canal, Palazzo Garzoni e Moro is a highly prestigious real estate complex that will house residential units of exceptional beauty.

Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, Venice and its Palaces are directly and concretely linked to the history of humanity.

Works carried out by Impresa Costruzioni Dalla Verde Spa, down to the smallest detail, include consolidation of the roof, beams and floors, as well as refurbishment of the opus signinum and the exterior marmorino.

The Studio Motterle project involves exclusive residential and office solutions. 

Motterle Group – www.palazzogarzoni.com

Lonigo (Vicenza)Verdi Theater

An Exemplary Restoration

After painstaking conservative restoration of Teatro Verdi, the precious nineteenth century theatre has finally been restored to the town of Lonigo.

Structural consolidation works were carried out on the building, static consolidation of the masonry and wooden structures, as well as finishing and restoration of the tempera and stucco elements. The stage equipment was renovated and the exceptional original acoustics retained.

In addition to refurbishment of the installations, the works included the construction of new dressing rooms and utility areas.

Marostica (Vicenza)Upper Castle and Town Walls

Dealing With the Past

Various conservative restoration, philological restoration and static consolidation works, made necessary by the natural degradation of the ancient structure, were carried out at various stages between 1991 and 2006 on the Town Walls and the Upper Castle. Structural consolidation and consolidation using a steel tie-rod system were carried out on the Upper Castle.

In addition to the restoration of the masonry surfaces of the Town Walls, the walkway, the vaults and the roofs of the Torresini (turrets) were also restored and consolidated.

Monteviale (Vicenza)Villa Zileri Motterle

Country Estates

Villa Zileri Motterle in Monteviale is a historic complex built over time around the main structure dating from the early 1700s and enriched by frescoes by Tiepolo that contribute to making it a landmark of outstanding artistic interest. Immersed in an expanse of greenery, the property now comprises residential units and offices created as a result of an ongoing commitment to an adaptive reuse of existing buildings.

According to the philosophy of the Motterle Group, owners of the complex, the restoration of prestigious buildings is really only meaningful if they are then put to real use, in line with the demands of contemporary living, in order to ensure effective maximization of our historic and artistic real estate heritage.

Motterle Group – www.villazilerihome.com

Altavilla VicentinaResidenza Bianca

Redefining Contemporary Living

With architectural features bearing the hallmark of Flavio Albanese, Residenza Bianca in Via Bologna offers open innovative solutions of great architecture tailor-made for modern-day families and designed to meet the requirements of contemporary living, using technology to save energy and arranging space with comfort and privacy in mind.

This is a prestigious strategic location with wide spaces creating a rapport between indoor and outdoor areas, the clean sharpness of the white illuminated by the light, and an abundance of light that fills accessible terraces and private garden areas.

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Get in touch with Costruzioni Dalla Verde SpA


Costruzioni Dalla Verde SpA

I-36100 Montecchio Maggiore (Vicenza) ITALY

Via R. Ghiotto, 2

+39 0444 608 608

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